The Master’s program in Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery lasts one year. |
- The Masters Program in Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery is designed to train young digestive surgeons from all over the world in HPB Surgery. The requirements to qualify for the program are : prior completion of 4 years of residency in surgery and 2 years of post-residency in digestive surgery, so in total, 6 years of experience in surgery after the medical doctor's diploma.
Program |
- The training consists in 3 full time traineeships of 4 months each, to be carried out in different specialised centres, mainly European under the supervision of internationally renowned Tutors. During this year of training, the trainee has no clinical responsibility.
- During this year of training, the trainee will have to fill in weekly reports related to the activities he will have taken part in and to send them to the Institute. These reports will be validated by the tutor in charge. A general appreciation will be given at the end of the session by the tutor.
- During each of the three training periods, the Trainee must be involved in publication work.
- In addition, a personal thesis has to be written by the trainee during this training. The topic of this thesis has to be chosen in coordination with the tutors and has to consider cases in each of the training centres in which the trainee will work.
Validation of the year of training : |
To validate his year of training, the Trainee has to : |
- Obtain his tutors’ approval (for the three 4-months periods) with validation of the period (in case of a period not validated, another period has to be performed. The examination cannot be sit for without three training periods validated).
- Actively take part in meetings and symposiums throughout the year.
- Obtain the approval of the tutor in charge of his « immersion week » : at the end of the year of training, the trainee will work during one week in a specialised centre in which he never worked until this date. There, a tutor will evaluate his surgical knowledge, his ability to diagnose a disease, and evaluate his mastering of the different surgical methods.
- Pass the final exam, directed by several tutors : evaluation of the traineeships, the « immersion week », the thesis, publications and scientific activities of the trainee.
Registration : |
- The registration/tuition fees are 4000 euros. The registration fees cover all the administrative duties performed by the Institute to organise the training periods of the candidate and after that, all the administrative costs to follow the trainee during the traineeships and to organise the examination.
- Besides that, as the training period is composed of 3 full-time unpaid traineeships, each lasting 4 months and each to be carried out in a different centre, and as the final exam always stands in Paris, France, candidates have to face costs of living (which vary depending on the city and the facilities at the centre : accommodation, meals etc) and of travelling.
- The Hepatobiliary Institute does not provide scholarships itself, and can only help to look for a scholarship. That is why we are very eager to welcome candidates sponsored by their institution or by their country - this solves many financial problems for them and allows them to concentrate on the training and complete it in good conditions. Surgeons whose file has been accepted by the Institute shouldn’t hesitate, if needed, to ask us for a recommendation letter, which may help to find a scholarship, grant...
- The Institute will look for traineeships for a trainee once he will be properly registered, which means once he will have paid his registration fees. For traineeships in Europe, the trainee has to be registered at the latest three months before the starting date of the Master’s program :
at the latest the 30th of November for the session starting the 1st of March
at the latest the 31st of March for the session starting the 1st of July
at the latest the 31st of July for the session starting the 1st of November.
- For traineeships in other regions, the registration has to be made earlier (because of very long visa procedures)
- A difficulty more and more important today is the problem of visa.
Content of this year of training : |
- The Master’s program 2d grade is made of :
either two fellowships of 6-months each
or one fellowship of 12-months duration.
- The fellowships are full-time clinical positions adapted to the Trainee's needs (training in Hepatic Transplantation, Laparoscopic surgery, Pancreatic surgery, Minimal access surgery…). They may be paid position.
- During the year of training, the trainee will have to fill in weekly reports related to the activities he will have taken part in, with his level of participation, and to send them to the Institute. These reports will be validated by the tutor in charge. A general appreciation will be given at the end of the session by the tutor.
- Besides, during each of the three training periods, the trainee must be involved in publication work.
- In addition, a personal thesis has to be written by the trainee. The topic of this thesis has to be chosen in coordination with the tutors and has to consider cases in each of the training centres in which the trainee will work.
Conditions to do a Master 2d grade : |
- To do a Master 2d grade, the trainee will have to:
1. fluently speak the language of the country where he wishes to work. Since he will have clinical responsibility at
that point, he will have to communicate with the patients.
2. find a position in one of the partner centres of the Institute.
3. obtain the recognition of his licence, in order to be allowed to take clinical responsibilities. This is a huge difficulty.
obtain the authorisation to legally work in the country where he wishes to do his training.
- It If the trainee wishes to do the Master 2d grade immediately after the Master, it is wide to reserve a 6 months period between both years of training.
Validation of this year of training : |
To validate his year of training, the Trainee has to : |
- Actively take part in meetings and symposiums throughout the year
- Obtain his tutors’ approval for the year of training
- Pass the final exam, directed by several tutors (about his surgical knowledge, his thesis…).
Registration : |
- The registration/tuition fees are 4000 euros. The registration fees cover all the administrative duties performed by the Institute to organise the training periods of the candidate and after that, all the administrative costs to follow the trainee during the traineeships and to organise the examination.
- Besides that, as the year of training is composed of one or two full-time traineeships, and as the final exam always stands in Paris, France, candidates have to face costs of living (which vary depending on the city and the facilities at the centre : accommodation, meals etc) and of travelling.